Category Archives: Embry-Riddle

Aerodynamics and EagleVision

It’s that time again, another aerodynamics class starts next week.

This time, however, I’m teaching the EagleVision Classroom (a virtual classroom that combines Web video conferencing and an LMS system) version of the course. EagleVision Classroom includes scheduled online time and real-time interaction with my students and me.

I’m scheduled to have 13 students across three separate campuses, Phoenix-Mesa, Riverside, California and Seattle.

I’ve spent this afternoon updating the course syllabus, weekly modules, term dates and the like in preparation for next week’s class and look forward to another fun semester!

My last step is to contact my guest speakers and I’m good to go!


Another One in the Books

ASCI 309 Aerodynamics

It’s very hard to believe but another semester of Aerodynamics has ended! Always amazing how fast the nine-week term goes.

Many thanks to Aindrea, Caleb, Jaewon and Sam!

Again, another exceptional group of students!

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience working with my four students, learned something new from each of them and wish them great success in their lives and careers going forward!

Aerodynamics in October

I teach another aerodynamics class for Embry-Riddle Worldwide tomorrow night, 5-8:20pm, through mid December (nine-week semesters).

I teach at the university’s new Phoenix–Mesa campus, which is located at the Phoenix–Mesa Gateway Airport.

ERAU Worldwide Classroom
ERAU Worldwide Classroom

The university has redesigned the undergraduate curriculum increasing the pre-req courses for many of the 300 & 400 level courses, including mine. Therefore, I’ve only four students in my class as many have yet to transition to the new curriculum. Many professors are experiencing similar small class sizes during this time.

ERAU Phoenix–Mesa campus
ERAU Phoenix–Mesa campus

Embry-Riddle recently moved to a beautiful, brand new building last month equipped with five classrooms, a student lounge, kitchen, break room and administration offices. It is a slightly larger floor plan than the previous location in Chandler including an additional classroom.

ERAU Worldwide  Phoenix-Mesa campus
ERAU Worldwide
Phoenix-Mesa campus
ERAU Classroom
ERAU Classroom
My classroom
My classroom

I met with my boss this morning to go over some last minute details for tomorrow’s class. I teased her saying I should hold my class in the student lounge (they have large very comfy overstuffed leather chairs!) since I’ve such a small group of students.

ER Banner

ERAU Worldwide Classroom
ERAU Worldwide Classroom

It All Began in a Beechcraft C99

I cut my teeth in this Beechcraft C99, in the mid ’80s, flying around New Mexico.

Mesa Air Beechcraft C99 parked at ABQ
Mesa Air Beechcraft C99

Flying the C99 from ABQ to Roswell is essentially the same thing as flying an Airbus A321 from PHX to Denver. The only difference is better food and air-conditioning!

A lot of times while flying the Airbus, I think back to my New Mexico flying days and how this job is simply flying an airplane from A to B. However, I miss the awesome green chili chicken soup at the beautiful Albuquerque airport.

Albuquerque International Sunport - Courtesy ABQ Airport
Albuquerque International Sunport – Courtesy ABQ Airport

Embry-Riddle Graduates in the Real World

It’s always great to catch up with Embry-Riddle alums and see where we’ve landed in the aviation/airline world.

This past week I flew a three-day trip with a Daytona Beach graduate. We had a great time reminiscing and comparing notes about our Riddle days. I spent three years on campus in Prescott before transferring to what is now known as the WorldWide campus.

Left to right, Rich and Pete in the American Airlines Airbus A320 flight deck in San Jose.

We had a regional airline pilot in our jumpseat during the three days who also was a Daytona Beach Riddle student.

Later on, I had one of my Prescott classmates and his wife on board our A320 seated in the passenger cabin. He walked into the flight deck during boarding and we had fun remembering the old days on campus. Scott is a United captain who often flies the LA to Tokyo route.

It occurred to me that we all represent different Embry–Riddle campuses: Daytona Beach, Prescott and WorldWide.

Courtesy Embry-Riddle
Courtesy Embry-Riddle